Welcome To MichaelSNE Family Library on Movies-Music-Dance
COME! Let'sDanceThroughOurLifeJourney~~~ForgetAllTheGritty-GrittyTragedy!!
SAMBA[Samba says,"LOVE TO STAY"]
TANGO[NB.At End of Videos teaches dance steps]
Paso Doble
[After watching the video you can watch more movies by DOUBLE click on each screen][ There are basic teaching on dance] ========================================================== Dance generally refers to human movement either used as a form of expression or presented in a social, spiritual or performance setting. Dance is also used to describe methods of non-verbal communication between humans or animals ( bee dance, mating dance), motion in inanimate objects (the leaves danced in the wind), and certain musical forms or genres. People who dance are called dancers and the act of dance is known as dancing. An event where dancing takes place may be called a dance. ChoreographyChoreography (also known as dance composition) is the art of making structures in which movement occurs, the term composition may also refer to the navigation or connection of these movement structures. The resulting movement structure may also be referre is the art of making dances. Definitions of what constitutes dance are dependent on socialA society is a group of people that form a semi-closed (or semi-open) system, in which most interactions are with other individuals belonging to the group. More abstractly, a society is a network of relationships between entities. A society is an interdep, culturalThe word culture comes from the Latin root colere (to inhabit, to cultivate, or to honor). In general it refers to human activity; different definitions of culture reflect different theories for understanding, or criteria for valuing, human activity., aesthetic artistic and moral constraints and range from functional movement (such as Folk danceThe following dance categories are closely related to each other: Folk dance Folk dance is a term used to encompass a large number of dances that tend to share the following attributes: They were originally danced in about the 19th century or earlier (or) to codified, virtuosoA virtuoso is a musician who has attained the highest level of skill in a fine art, especially at playing a specific instrument or singing. Many Baroque composers were also virtuosi on their instrument, most commonly the violin ( Pietro Locatelli and Anto techniques such as ballet. In sports, gymnastics, figure skating and synchronized swimming contain dance disciplines while Martial arts ' Kata' are often compared to dances. (1) HISTORY OF DANCE: Main article: History of dance Throughout history, dance has been a part of ceremony, rituals, celebrations and entertainment. It is traceable through archeological evidence from prehistoric times to the first examples of written and pictorial documentation in 200 BC. Many contemporary dance forms can be traced back to historical, traditional, ceremonial and ethnic dances. (2) DANCE AND MUSIC: Although dance and music can be traced back to prehistoric times it is unclear which artform came first. However, as rhythm and sound are the result of movement, and music can inspire movement, the relationship between the two forms has always been symbiotic. This relationship serves as the basis for Eurhythmics devised by Emile Jaques-Dalcroze which was influential to the development of Modern dance and Modern ballet through artists such as Marie Rambert. Many early forms of music and dance were created and performed together. This paired development has continued through the ages with dance/music forms such as: Jig, Waltz, Tango, disco, techno and Hip-Hop. Some musical genre also have a parallel dance form such as Baroque music and Baroque dance where as others developed separately: Classical music, Classical ballet. Although dance is often accompanied by music, it can also be presented alone ( Postmodern dance) or provide its own accompaniment ( tap dance). Dance presented with music may or may not be performed in time to the music depending on the style of dance. Dance performed without music is said to be danced to its own rhythm. [courtesy of http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Dance.html]Monday, October 13, 2008
Chinese Refreshment.
歓迎! 再度来られる! 毎日をここに楽しみなさい
Terresa Teng Taiwan Sänger. Schön und berühmt=Terresa Teng台湾の歌手。 美しくおよび有名==。Terresa Teng 대만 가수. 아름답고 그리고 고명하다.
Cantante di Terresa Teng Taiwan. Bello e famoso. Певица Terresa Teng Тайвань. Красивейше и известно. Cantante de Terresa Teng Taiwán. Hermoso y famoso
Heaven Help My Heart 1989年11月24日TBS金曜特集 日本出道15週年紀念 鄧麗君坐著唱,功力絲毫未減,盪氣迴腸 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgQTRqpqmRY&NR
梅花 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=sE4NC_pCWiI
小城故事 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-eTVZ2oNgto
*甜蜜蜜 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE-HlEG9m7I
千言萬語 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wAX2jgO9YQ
心中歡喜就說愛 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R73t0ObLvdQ
處處聞啼鳥 (1980年台視與日本富士電視台合作專輯) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XZJ2ZF_TsE
謝謝你常記得我 (1981年台視君在前哨特輯) 君在前哨特別節目在當年中秋節播出 這首歌在台中清泉崗空軍基地錄製 可惜的是台視大樂隊的伴奏荒腔走板 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI5Td5jZ6KE
*勝利的歌聲 (1981年台視君在前哨特輯) 鄧麗君與官兵共同演唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnXta8rSFY0
*高山青 (1981年台視君在前哨特輯) 鄧麗君與官兵共同演唱 http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFc3X-znTkA愛情 (1981年台視君在前哨特輯)鄧麗君與官兵共同演唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmOTnRX3h3A *假如夢兒是真的 (1981年台視君在前哨特輯)鄧麗君與官兵共同演唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qD-8naIJVJg 梅花 (1984年十億個掌聲演唱會) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3qf8Uetr-g
中華民國頌 (1984年十億個掌聲演唱會) http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmjVMqdMQWM海韻 (1984年十億個掌聲演唱會)
梅花 (1984年十億個掌聲演唱會) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3qf8Uetr-g
中華民國頌 (1984年十億個掌聲演唱會) 空港 (日文) (1974年版) 鄧麗君日本出道的第一首單曲這是1974年當年的珍貴畫面 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVTKnmCm2s4
空港 (日文) (1974年版) 鄧麗君日本出道的第一首單曲 這是1974年當年的珍貴畫面 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVTKnmCm2s4
償還 (日文) (管弦樂伴奏版) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxbDwPq4XDs
*償還 (日文) (精簡版) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8_iwEOojIw
*償還 (日文) (1984年有線大賞版) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1gsJeQkrsw
愛人 (日文) (1985年NHK演唱會版) 鄧麗君穿著新娘白紗演唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bheMy7-Kvsw
愛人 (日文) (1985年有線大賞版) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tPAddMqNLM
我只在乎你 (日文) (紅白歌合戰版) 1986年鄧麗君在日本NHK紅白歌合戰第二度出場 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnFRmj_o-S8
*我只在乎你 (日文) (休息室預演版) 就算只是在休息室和樂隊排演 鄧麗君還是唱的這麼好[
[http being removed from youtube]
我只在乎你 (日文) (1986年有線大賞三連霸版) 鄧麗君激動落淚 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Mi4Ma1eDA
我們是明星 We are the Stars 1988年鄧麗君與加山雄三共同演唱 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SxgYr-sQK4
(The above http are revised on one of the bloggs)
原鄉人: 我張開一雙翅膀背馱著一個希望飛過那陌生的城池去到我嚮往的地方 在曠野中我嗅到芬芳從泥土裡我攝取營養為了吐絲蠶兒要吃桑葉為了播種花兒要開放我走過叢林山崗也走過白雪茫茫看到了山川的風貌也聽到大地在成長(A)Tittle: The country person: I strectched out the pair of wings carrieng the only hope Hovered over the strange pond To arrive my dreamed destination. In the wilderness I smelt the fragance From the soil I assimilated the nutrients For the silkworm need eating mulbery leaves For the Sowed seed to blosoom the folwer I waded over woods and mountain Also crossing endless expanse of snow I have witness the virgin wood beauty. Also gotthe news MOTHER LAND is growing. [Michael Translation]
(B)Michael Lee remark the SENSE of this song: There are 2 parts :stencil one depicting the BIRD left the country land AND second stecil depicts the memomory and longing of coming back to the original home. Yes, very scenic and personal. touch in the song enjoy it!!http://MICHAELSNE.spaces.live.com
古筝-月满西楼(Zheng-the moon hanging over the west house)
古筝-月满西楼(演唱:童丽)the lyric is from an ancient poetry written by a famous female poet whose name is Li Qinzhao.-----------------------------------红藕香残玉簟秋red lotus flower is gradually fading and the bamboo mat is cold because of the autumn will come soon.轻解罗裳独上兰舟take off my robe and drive my boat.云中谁寄锦书来who sends the love letter of my husband to me from the clouds?雁字回时月满西楼the moon is round hanging over the west house and the wild goose will return their homeplace but where is my husband? 花自飘零水自流the flower fades and the water flows.they are separate just like me and my husband.一种相思两处闲愁same kind of lovesickness but two gloomy mood.此情无计可消除I have no idea to eliminate this sentiment.才下眉头却上心头down from brow but come into heart soon.----------------------------------the song describes the female poet yearned for her husband.This is a sad song.And its lyric is very graceful.I feel if I translate some Chinese poetry to English then maybe its original meaning has gone especially in chinese ancient poetry.They are always concise.Five or seven character compose one sentence.My English is not good. I hope you will like it.Thank you!my friend.[SCIWANG2000]
简介: “女子十二乐坊”的12个女孩来自全国,均出自国内著名专业院校,并以演奏家的身份活跃在国内外的音乐舞台上。乐坊中凝聚了中国古老独有的各班乐器包括:古筝、二胡、三弦、竹笛、古琴、葫芦丝、箫、埙、扬琴,更有鲜为人知的少数民族乐器:菊芘、吐良、独弦琴等等。 女子十二乐坊人物介绍 殷焱,毕业于中国音乐学院,现就职于中国电影乐团,8岁学习二胡,曾获93年南京二胡邀请赛二等奖;96年富士通民族器乐比赛优秀演奏奖。 霍晓君.毕业于中国音乐学院,现就职于中国歌剧舞剧院,9岁学习二胡,曾在99年在文化部中直院团国庆五十周年评比展演中,荣获优秀演奏奖。 雷滢,毕业于解放军艺术学院,现就职于中央民族歌舞团。11岁学习二胡。曾在广西文艺汇演中获二等奖;全军汇演中获三等奖。 詹丽君,毕业于中央音乐学院,现就职于中央民族乐团,7岁学习二胡。曾获ART国际器乐比赛中获得表演奖,在2000年台北举行的国际二胡比赛获优秀奖。 杨松梅,毕业子中国音乐学院,7岁学习扬琴,曾获北京市民族器乐比赛二等奖、优秀伴奏奖。 马菁菁,毕业于中央音乐学院,现就职子铁路文工团,10岁学习扬琴,并在大学期间学习了古筝和打击乐等,97年曾去新加坡进行讲学交流演出。 赵光瑾.在读中央音乐学院,7岁学习琵琶,曾获西安音乐学院双年度民乐器乐比赛优秀演奏奖、优秀重奏奖。 张爽,在读中央音乐学院,6岁学习琵琶,曾获91年辽宁省器乐大赛一等奖;94年中国音乐学院器乐比赛优秀专业奖。 杜文婷.毕业于中国音乐学院,11岁学习琵琶,现就职于中国电影乐团,曾在山西省艺术中专器乐比赛中连获两届一等奖。 孙媛,在读中央民族大学,7岁学习竹笛,曾获首届希望杯民族器乐比赛二等奖。 廖彬曲,在读中央民族大学,10岁学习竹笛,曾获广西首届红铜鼓专业大赛二等奖。 周健楠,毕业于中央音乐学院,9岁学习古筝,曾获96年北京市民族器乐一等奖。其演奏乐曲被收入《中国古筝名家名曲》内。
########################################################We Enjoy Our Dream; Silly I may Seem!
Indonesia -- LOVE-- Melody All In Beauty
A very sentimental Indonesia POP song,tiltled ORANG KETIGA(The Third Party).I find this particular verse very real and meaningful :MENGAPA KU TAK PERNAH BAHAGIA DALAM BERCINTA SELALU SAJA KECEWA. Meaning WHY I (just) CAN NEVER BE LUCKY; IN MY LOVE ALWAYS DISAPPOINTED WITH THIRD PARTY!! Very sweet gentle voice with excellent back-up music, and lyric VERY WELL PHRASED in RHYMN as well as in MEANING contstiuting A SUPERB POEM expressed in song--TOUCHING!!. Too beautiful !!
click for MORE VIDEO=>XXX
Indonesia Song Lyric translated by MicahelSNE "Orang Ketiga" [Third Party]
India Soap Opera HA HA HA
Professor Manil Suri's Bollywood dance 它是男性教授。 不是女性! It is male professor. Not female! Het is mannelijke professor. Niet vrouwelijk! C'est le professeur masculin. Pas femelle Es ist männlicher Professor. Nicht Frau! Είναι αρσενικός καθηγητής. Μη θηλυκός! È professore maschio. Non femmina! それはオス教授である。 ない女性! 수컷 교수이다. 여성 아닙니다! É professor masculino. Não fêmea! Это мыжской профессор. Не женщина! Es profesor de sexo masculino. ¡No hembra! Challenged to do something embarrassing after his reading at the Brooklyn Book Festival, Sep 14, 2008, novelist and math professor Manil Suri did his version of a dance by famous Bollywood dancer Helen. Original dance in 1971 movie Caravan is on YouTube ("Piya Tu Ab To Aja"
COMMENTARY FROM YOUTUBE READERS: This guy is mad cool ... he spoke to my class. Get it! –by Aural Examination.// Manil, usually quite a cool cucumber, is a surprisingly good dancer---by bifeldman // This guy was my calculus teacher; wow ---byanooru1 what moves!so graceful! And the furry stomach!
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